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Virtual Assistant for Project Management

June 03, 2020

HubSpot Integration: Advanced Sales and Helpdesk standup meetings

Hey guys.

We've just released the HubSpot integration for the advanced report templates which are available on the Program Manager plan. 🤩

So, what you can run from today:

1️⃣ Sales team surveys connected to the HubSpot data: Ask your team about the progress of certain deals assigned in your HubSpot.

2️⃣ Helpdesk standups based on the tickets in your Hubspot: Get the answers on progress for open tickets or users' requests in progress in your HubSpot.

To run those reports just choose the "Survey on current task" report template, connect it to your Hunspot and set up questions and params you need.

Later on, we plan to release dedicated report templates for Sales and Helpdesk standups with predefined questions.

Stay tuned :)

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