What's new on Standuply

Virtual Assistant for Project Management

December 17, 2018

Get key data instantly within Slack


Let's start the new week with the story about "Data Request" feature.

In case if you still don't know, Standuply allows you to integrate the services you use in your team and supercharge your daily standups with the data, metrics agile charts which team is interested in.

Image #1

Hopefully, that wasn't a sort of discovery right now 😮

But what you might really miss, that you can instantly call the integrated requests and get the data directly in Slack at any moment.


You can share permissions to view the integrated data with your teammates and using the command /request you and your colleagues are able to receive the data instantly within Slack at any moment but not only with the scheduled reports.

Image #2

Be updated with the important data not leaving Slack and keep updated your team.

Have a great week,

Your Team 🤟

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