What's new on Standuply

Virtual Assistant for Project Management

April 08, 2019

Release, release, release...

Hey folks,

Standuply wishes you a great and productive week and for this aim, we prepared something very exciting for you. 🤩

We worked hard...last months, last week...Oh, honestly we can't remember the time when we didn't. 😓 But we love it because that's so amazing to bring value to our customers. 😃

So, just today we have released several great features:

1️⃣ JIRA integration for the Program Manager templates. So, right now you are able to run Planning poker, Backlog grooming, Tasks based surveys not only for Trello tasks but also for JIRA.

2️⃣ JIRA integration for the "Task response" question types. So, you can answer the questions by selecting the JIRA tasks from a dropdown menu within Slack.

3️⃣ A new Voice/Video answering feature. We have fixed the issue with voice/video messages. So, we get rid of Youtube layer and now, we handle everything on our side. So, it's more secure and now, you don't need to have a Youtube account to use this feature. From today, any Slack user can record voice/video messages and send them within Slack as well as using it for answering to Standuply reports. As we wrote early in our post, we'll continue to work on this feature this month to extend supporting of other browsers and devices.

4️⃣ The custom endpoint for Program Manager templates and "Task response" questions. We added the option which allows you to integrate your own task tracker and run the processes like planning poker, backlog grooming or answering the questions by tasks selecting based on it. So, you can create by yourself some integrations for the task trackers which we aren't released yet or which aren't mentioned in our roadmap.

5️⃣ Adding supporting for the "Next-gen project" JIRA templates to create the requests. So, we extended our support for the new "next-gen project" JIRA templates and you can create Standuply requests like "burndown charts" and "tasks updates history" based on this JIRA template type.

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P.S. Later, we plan to explain in details every announced feature by publishing a separate post. But you can always drop us the line and ask any question. Have a good week and stay tuned. 😉

emoji negative reaction for 'Release, release, release...' emoji neutral reaction for 'Release, release, release...' emoji positive reaction for 'Release, release, release...'
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